Left Behind

Today’s busy travellers often leave behind an impressive list of items in their favorite hotels. Items such as an original Harry Potter wand, a bucket of live crabs, a pet python or a £10,000 tiffany engagement ring. Travelodge reported finding a £50,000 Rolex watch, an 8 ft. pop-up spray tanning booth and even a pantomime horse.

More than 20,000 books were left behind in 38,000 rooms, a third of which were Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James.

Not only do we forget items but hotels experience unusual guest participation. One hotel worker reported, “I was working at a luxury hotel and we had a fairly big band staying with us. There were no noise complaints, and they seem to be perfect tenants. When they left and we went to clean the room, every single piece of furniture was nailed to the ceiling in roughly the same configuration that had been on the floor.”

A pair of cats left in one hotel room came with a note that said, “Thanks for taking care of these guys.” A $100.00 tip came with the note. The client never returned for the cats.

One guest found some ducklings near her hotel and brought them into the bathroom. The mother duck had died and the guest began caring for the ducklings. After the guest left the young brood stayed in someone’s office. Call the duck collectors.

The most common left behind items are teddy bears. Travelodge claims that 76,500 were reunited with their owners last year.

If you find that you inadvertently left something of value in your travels there are efficient solutions available today to have your item safely and economically returned.

 Enjoy Travelling!

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