Left Behind

Archive for July, 2014

Life’s Increased Pace causes Hotel Left Behind’s

We as a generation are living life at such a pace that priceless possessions are often left behind in hotel rooms. Breast implants purchased in the US for a cosmetic operation in London were inconveniently left in a hotel room.

A EuroMillions ticket was left by an owner who knew he won and placed his ticket under his mattress for safe keeping. He left and forgot.

Items left behind vary from Joseph’s Dreamcoat to a Persian Chinchilla kitten as well as a suitcase of vinyl records.

Most items left behind are not quite as colorful but whenever we leave behind something of value to us we are deeply inconvenienced.

It is so gratifying to know that there are new ways to have our keepsakes returned.

Enjoy Travelling!

Impressive List of Left Behind Items

Today’s busy travellers often leave behind an impressive list of items in their favorite hotels. Items such as an original Harry Potter wand, a bucket of live crabs, a pet python or a £10,000 tiffany engagement ring. Travelodge reported finding a £50,000 Rolex watch, an 8 ft. pop-up spray tanning booth and even a pantomime horse.

More than 20,000 books were left behind in 38,000 rooms, a third of which were Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James.

Not only do we forget items but hotels experience unusual guest participation. One hotel worker reported, “I was working at a luxury hotel and we had a fairly big band staying with us. There were no noise complaints, and they seem to be perfect tenants. When they left and we went to clean the room, every single piece of furniture was nailed to the ceiling in roughly the same configuration that had been on the floor.”

A pair of cats left in one hotel room came with a note that said, “Thanks for taking care of these guys.” A $100.00 tip came with the note. The client never returned for the cats.

One guest found some ducklings near her hotel and brought them into the bathroom. The mother duck had died and the guest began caring for the ducklings. After the guest left the young brood stayed in someone’s office. Call the duck collectors.

The most common left behind items are teddy bears. Travelodge claims that 76,500 were reunited with their owners last year.

If you find that you inadvertently left something of value in your travels there are efficient solutions available today to have your item safely and economically returned.

 Enjoy Travelling!

Have You Left Something Behind Lately!

Losing items while travelling has been an experience that travellers have faced since travel first began. Today’s busy hotel travellers come with a myriad of electronic support gadgets that expand the potential to forget something upon checkout. In the US alone in 2011Americans lost 30 billion dollars worth of mobile phones. Many of these left in hotels while travelling.

A recent study concluded that in the US alone, travellers leave over 46 million items every year in hotels.

One of the most left behind items are chargers. Why chargers? For one, they are usually dark colored and plugged into a wall outlet and hard to see by the guest when leaving. You plug it in at night and often forget it when leaving.

Items left behind vary according to the diversity of guests travelling.

Hoteliers say they could alert guests to a left-behind item, but for reasons including privacy it is avoided.

At the Fairmont Waterfront in Vancouver the staff became creative by using their collection of chargers for Christmas decorations. The cables of their chargers were used to string recycled paper snowflakes.

Enjoy Travelling!